Fighters waiting for the bell for the opening round
Big time boxing came to Sydney as two intact Aboriginal family men fought for the world middleweight title. Daniel Geale's family and team showed laudable patience as Anthony Mundine became evermore outrageous in his attacks on Geale and remarks about 'Uncle Toms' past and
present. Poorly expressed - but the point he was making is deserving of consideration when reframed. For Aboriginal professionals being Aboriginal is an asset: 'A barrister and an Aboriginal!' 'The first Aboriginal Rhodes Scholar!' For grassroots Koories Aboriginality is the focus of exclusion, marginalisation and police harassment.
As for the fight - out of solidarity I had no intention of barracking for one against the other. Both fighters relied on Aboriginal motifs as they entered the ring. With most of the crowd against him Mundine drew on a small group of partisans for support, and most importantly, the women of his family. They sat directly behind his corner and during course of the fight would rise from their seats to urge him on. For any Aboriginal who possessed the cultural knowledge to understand it the symbolism of this was potent. With his obdurate pride, and the support of his women, he pretty much demonstrated for an unknowing crowd the reality of the Aboriginal warrior.
Coming soon to Youtube. Under 25s in non-PC conversation with film maker Warwick Thornton.