Monday, December 9, 2013

The Swan Book

The Swan Book. An inspiring celebration of Alexis Wright  and her latest novel  The Swan Book at the Ginger Garlic restaurant in Eltham. Meera Govill, proprietor of The Eltham Bookstore MC'd the event. Ivor Indyk, Giramondo publisher and Alexis' editor spoke of working with Alexis on  Carpentaria  and The Swan Book, Alexis spoke of her writing method and philosophy and the inspiration she derived from Italo Calvino's, Six Memos for the Next Millenium, i.e.the qualities of lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility and multiplicity. Finally, our students Jon Ricketson and Kate Rendell delivered succinct lectures that combined appreciation with critique of Alexis' work. All this with delicious Indian food and a Southern twilight.

Healing Cards. I've just seen these fabulous cards produced by the Boorndawan Willam Women's Art Therapy group. Each card features their original artwork and inspirational quotes.

Christmas presents? Purchase them from Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service

Mosley vs Mundine. Noteworthy points: i) the playing of national anthems was dispensed with. (The playing of anthems at prize fights is a late 20th century innovation now sacrosanct for many.) ii) The crowd was largely Lebanese Muslim or Aboriginal: it was suggested that Team Mundine had given away a lot free tickets to the fight. iii)Aboriginal dancers entered the ring before the fight and appeared to sweep it clean for both fighters.  iv)This was one of those rare occasions when Anthony was cheered into the ring  and his opponent booed.)

Diversity. Finally, the work of diversity never ends and for the selfless workers there is no rest but here's an uplifting story about a brother who found his place in a corporation. 

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